So, the “German Shepherd” is quite the deal. At 78, he won't be around long, but he's obviously interested in doing more that filling a gap. The theological conservatives have spoken, and I’m glad. The RCC remains what it is by its faithfulness to its past. I’m hopeful he’ll continue to build bridges to Orthodox and Protestant Christians, as well as people of other faiths. He seems to be able to adapt and re-align his approach for the new job description.
From this past Wednesday:
I wish to put my ministry at the service of reconciliation and harmony among men and nations ... to hold firm the centrality of Christ.
From Catholic Culture :
"Cardinal Ratzinger served the CDF only at the request of Pope John Paul II and, by all reports, he didn’t particularly like the job ... he was called upon to discipline only rarely, under instructions from the Pope he served ... while head of the CDF, Benedict XVI had his finger on the pulse of many more problems and controversies than those resulting in public discipline. He is certainly well aware of the length and breadth of infidelity within the Church at every level, and his many statements ... make it clear that he theologically opposes all that is unfaithful to the authentic teaching of Christ ... Nor could he have long survived in his previous position without being a man of considerable courage."