

“I think a healthy outlook is to care for every part of your life in proportion to its significance.”

I wrote that as a reply to a recent blog by Brendar. I do believe that’s true. Family, relationships, gainful work, food, fun, learning, creative expression, exercise, cleaning my nostrils, scratching itchy places, paying taxes. In that order.

The thing that continues to absolutely astound me about that idea is: at the same time I think I really know how important prayer is -- I just don’t do it. That confession doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is to me.

I do flatter myself thinking I really understand the significance of this communion-with-God thing, but I do know some. Enough to be responsible for my laziness.

Not sure what to do about that. I’ve long felt that what we really believe (to be important, true) reveals itself in our daily actions and activity. Talk to me all you want. Show me what you really think. This is troubling.


brendar said...

This is the loneliest, most irrelevant portion of excrement blog I've ever read except for all the others. Prayer is important but I don't know why. I tell my Sunday School kids that prayer is important because you can't have a relationship with someone that you don't talk to. That's all well and good but one day a kid said, "Then why doesn't God talk to us?" The only thing more important that talking to God (in my book) is acting like God (You know being a giver and all). DCCowan mentioned recently on the boards how love is commitment that is an action of will, not just emotion. That is why prayer is difficult for me, it takes action of will and for me there is very little emotion involved. It is important to do no matter how it feels.

la fille du fromage said...

"16 Therefore openly confess YOUR sins to one another and pray for one another, that YOU may get healed. A righteous man’s supplication, when it is at work, has much force. 17 E·li´jah was a man with feelings like ours, and yet in prayer he prayed for it not to rain; and it did not rain upon the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the land put forth its fruit."(James 5:16-18)
We may never exactly if our prayers effect the outcome of things. I definitely know what you mean though. Seems almost pointless since He knows what we are thinking and feeling better than we do anyway. But I definitely feel like I am spiritually the strongest when I am in a healthy pattern of regular prayer.
Psalm 113:6 says," He is condescending to look on heaven and earth." He wants to have a relationship with us. I guess it's pretty silly of us to second-guess him. I'm pretty sure it is usually a matter of shame or laziness when I don't do it for a bit. My dad used to have our family pray together before bed. He's a funny fellow and he alwyas called it the GNP. Gross Nation Product to most people, the Good Night Prayer to the McAlister family.
anywho. it's definitely natural.
ummm....arizona was great. everyone says sedona is beautiful, but i didn't get a chance to go there and tell your sister hi. i stayed in lake havasu city and went to the grand canyon one day. do you visit there often?