
White Hot

Sometimes there is no particular event or "comfort" that precedes it. Sometimes the overwhelming love of God for his children is made fresh by an experience or an observation. I got a chance to watch the film Luther with Dave and Chappy last night. It wouldn't take long to figure out why his story would provoke those thoughts. The actor playing Luther did a remarkable job at times showing Dr. Luther's intense passion for people to really understand how much God loves them. White-hot, zealous, unstoppable love.

Luther aside, I am absolutely convinced that we don't get it. At least I know for sure that I don't. Not even a little. If we caught even a momentary glimpse we would be so overcome that it might stop our heart in terrified wonder. Perhaps that will be the fearful door we will be asked to enter in faith when we give up this shell. To walk through it without that faith would simply be too frightening a prospect. We might be consumed. Truth is, we will be. Some of us already are.

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