
Leadership vs. Dominance


la fille du fromage said...

i want to respond to you soon, but a clockwork orange is coming on and my time is fast runing out. Are you really swiss or just in it for the cheese?

la fille du fromage said...

hi again. my computer is still a bit on the bum....but i just ha dthe opportunity to give your blog a good once over. i find that the world seems so very queerly small at the moment. this fellow brendar...is it? i have only recently started this blogging business, and yet his blog is one i noticed. and then you noticed mine. and i noticed yours and hence his involvement with yours. surely there are thousands of blogs. queer indeed the narrow shere in which we seem to occasionally reside. and then i noticed the bit about anticipation on someones blog that had commented on yours....and i have been trying to deal with obsessive anticiaption issues! quelle coincidence, herr gar. ps: est-ce que tu parle francais? and are you really swiss?

la fille du fromage said...

sorry about the missing blogpost. i was not involved. what sort of person would abscond with a perfectly fine blogpost and how would one go about doing this to begin with? i, unfortunately, possess no magical computer powers and am unable to do interesting things like foul up other peoples stuff. i do occasionally fowl up others peoples things with me cute birdie tiberius.
post more blogs so i can read them.